Wednesday, 21 January 2015

Setting up Jdeveloper for r12 on Windows Machine

Download Jdeveloper for your release:
Refer to Metalink Note: 416708.1

Unzip the Jeveloper file to the location:
C:\Jdev12.1.3 (My install directory)

Create Shortcuts on Desktop
C:\jdev12.1.3\jdevdoc (Documentation Reference)

Create a new directory


In Control Panel > System > Environment Variables

Add new Environment Variable
JDEV_USER_HOME pointing to C:\jdevhome\

Unzip Tutorial.zip
- Unzip Tutorial.zip to your jdevhome directory
- You can find the Tutorial.zip in C:\jdev12.1.3\jdevbin

Obtaining DBC File:
Ftp the DBC file from $FND_SECURE
On my machine FND_SECURE points to /dev1/u00/r12/inst/apps/dev1_admnetuxdb06/appl/fnd/12.0.0/secure
refer to: http://robertjungerius.blogspot.com/2010/08/get-contents-of-dbc-file-without-access.html to steps to download it from front end.

In my case the link to download from Apps Server is:

On the next screen Click Test > Locate DBC File
Save the DBC file content in a text file located in C:\jdevhome\jdev\dbc_files\secure and rename it as .dbc

Open Jdeveloper
Open Jdeveloper. On the migration Window click No.
Once Jdeveloper is launched open the toolbox.jws located in C:\jdevhome\jdev\myprojects from within jdeveloper. Click yes on the Migration window.
Keep clicking yes until messages stop popping up.

Create a New Database Connection:
Goto connections Tab.
Right click the Database folder and select New Database Connection
Provide connection details and finally test the connection. It should end in Success!

Setup Project Properties
In the Application Navigator Tab Double click the Tutorial Project.

Select Business Components and then click on Edit to test the database connection.
Now on the same screen goto Oracle Applications >> Run time connection and set the jdev to connect using FWKTESTER user OR
alternately assign following responsibilities to your user

OA Framework ToolBox Tutorial Labs
OA Framework ToolBox Tutorial

Make sure that responsibility application short name is AK at your installation by using the query.

select resp.application_id, appl.application_short_name
from fnd_responsibility resp, fnd_application appl
where resp.application_id=appl.application_id
and resp.responsibility_key='FWK_TBX_TUTORIAL';

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Try it out:
Navigate to Applications Navigator>Applications>toolbox>Tutorial>test_fwktutorial.jsp
Right click the jsp file and run.

To Develop Extensions with R12:
You need to download class files related to your customization. However I prefer to download all the contents of $JAVA_TOP to local machine.

Tar and Zip the contents of the folder "oracle" using the command below:

tar -zcvf java_top.tar.gz oracle
FTP the file to your local machine

Some Errors

Application: FND, Message Name:

For this set the following profile option to No at site level. It solved the problem for me.
Set Profile Name "Sign-On:Notification" to "No"

Reference to: https://forums.oracle.com/forums/thread.jspa?threadID=991503

Warning: There are Java errors for this object. The wizard will be read only until they are corrected.

When trying to open a VO Object I received following error for each VO <SomeName>VOImpl.class and <SomeName>VORowImpl.class

Warning: There are Java errors for this object. The wizard will be read only until they are corrected.

Open Project Settings and remov any folders from project content that are not required.